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Ok, So what am I doing wrong!!

posted 9-3-2006 @ 12:05 PM www
Ok, So what am I doing wrong!!

After feeling like I have entered a million comps with no results, any more tips I should be doing to get some wins...

Of course, it could be thouse coloured envelopes or my user name ;);)
posted 9-3-2006 @ 12:06 PM www

oops, should say ..those..
posted 9-3-2006 @ 12:12 PM www

Chin up happycomper and I bet your mail box will be bursting with prizes soon.

posted 9-3-2006 @ 01:33 PM www

Thanks whitepointer! You are such an encouagement to all the forum!
posted 9-3-2006 @ 02:07 PM www

Yes, not to worry. If you are entering then you won't have a problem winning.

It seems to happen in phases and i am sure that you will soon be surprised!

Best of Luck!
posted 9-3-2006 @ 03:43 PM www

All I know is that whatever you are doing wrong, I am too! The prizes are very slim on the ground for me at the moment. The odd movie ticket or cd this month.

It will pick HAS to! :)
posted 9-3-2006 @ 05:10 PM www

Good luck happycomper2005 , Get some luck dust for 2006!.
See the WP!
Mind you I know what you mean. I am new but am in the same boat. Entered just about everything here and there.
But still excited, not really for the prize but just to win, so even a movie ticket would keep me hooked for another 6 months!
Not sleeping just comping!
posted 10-3-2006 @ 12:03 PM www

One important thing to remember is , the comps we enter may not actually finish for several weeks then can take a few more weeks for draw to be done .Good idea to check these things in the T&C's or be like me just enter then forget about it & get a nice surprise a few months down the track . Have won prizes in 2 nd chance draws 6 months after I entered . If you want quick results go for the 1's that are closing within a few days or instant wins .

"My spirit is free. But I'll always be near. As long as I'm alive in your heart " That you will be my caring sons .

MY LOTTO MOTTO ~ We are here to help each other , have fun & hopefully win a few prizes along the way .~

I'm unsure of my mood right now!

“Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart.”

"Set an intention...make space...surrender the outcome...and open your arms to receive."

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

Fear is False Evidence About Reality

Some people dream about WINNING while others wake up and WORK HARD at it!

If you can't find a partner, find a wooden
chair!? RIP Duane


Try for 3 days referral link:
posted 10-3-2006 @ 01:08 PM www

It will happen when you least expect it usually, I find when I forget about an entry, that's the one that comes in trumps!(not every time)
Just keep entering and sooner or later that WCP/LWE or WEM will be for you!
Don't forget that there are 2nd chance draws and they are a nice suprise too!:P
posted 4-6-2006 @ 10:29 AM www

Yes, I think the same thing as Airbourne and WhitePointer.
posted 6-6-2006 @ 03:49 PM www

Hey all, i can not win any-thing, i give it my best shot, but, zero, zero !!!!
posted 6-6-2006 @ 04:33 PM www

What sort of comps are you entering Lilaj and how many a week?
posted 7-6-2006 @ 12:52 PM www

Hi!, Ok, movie tickets, movie tickets!!!! travel prize's, store comps., try for heaps of things, each day i am in here doing it!! guess just got to keep going, and i always see the same names winning prizes, best of luck !! they have what it takes, guess my turn will come, well, here for the long haul, not going to give up!!!. Cheers!:cool:
posted 7-6-2006 @ 01:08 PM www

Non- winnder too :O(
posted 10-9-2006 @ 01:21 PM www

I am a non winner too, I have been playing the comps for a year now constantly & on/off for a lot longer and "zilch!" My mailbox remains very empty, except for the bills.
posted 10-9-2006 @ 01:31 PM www

Perseverance is the answer. Sorry just persevere.
posted 10-9-2006 @ 03:20 PM www

Pam is right!!!

As long as you are trying a bit of everything you will eventually comp up trumps, don't stick just to the one comp or just comps with one big prize.

Although to be honest I am not a fan of coloured envelopes for luck of the draw comps, I did road test them for a while but have gone back to plain white ones. I do, however, love a nice coloured envelope for a 25wol on the back of an envelope comp!!

Mind you I haven't won anything to speak of for a while now so I don't know that I should be giving suggestions;)

posted 25-2-2007 @ 04:39 PM www

i belong here to i have been a member for years and still no luck it has to gunna win yes i can yes i can.
posted 25-2-2007 @ 04:51 PM www

Think positive and just keep entering.
There is no sure way to win except to be in it. It really is the luck of the draw...well in most cases.
posted 17-6-2007 @ 09:29 PM www

''50'' ''50'' chance
posted 16-6-2008 @ 11:44 PM www
Entering comps no luck

Hi I have madley been entering comps too!! New to Lottos so addictive!! Could some of the winners circle rub shoulders with me and give me some luck...please lol!!
I need some luck!!
posted 17-6-2008 @ 12:02 AM www

I'm feeling a little that way at the moment too.

I don't think the judges appreciate my sense of humour!
At least the kids do :P

Some look for humour, others look for heartfelt responses.
It can often be very hit and miss but we all get there in the end!
Chin up and good luck!

posted 17-6-2008 @ 03:18 AM www

Deffinately best to enter & forget & just keep going , if your looking for something to turn up in your mail box , go for the freebies , makes you feel like a winner when little things turn up out of the blue .
I've never been a fan of coloured envelopes think the people doing the draws avoid those on purpose .Plain white has paid off for me .:):)

"My spirit is free. But I'll always be near. As long as I'm alive in your heart " That you will be my caring sons .

MY LOTTO MOTTO ~ We are here to help each other , have fun & hopefully win a few prizes along the way .~

I'm unsure of my mood right now!

“Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart.”

"Set an intention...make space...surrender the outcome...and open your arms to receive."

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

Fear is False Evidence About Reality

Some people dream about WINNING while others wake up and WORK HARD at it!

If you can't find a partner, find a wooden
chair!? RIP Duane


Try for 3 days referral link:
posted 17-6-2008 @ 11:09 AM www

you are doing nothing wrong-you get a drought for a while then it all happens at once-LOL
I've been the same this year-very few wins
posted 17-6-2008 @ 11:38 AM www

I see some of you are really new so it takes time but I for some reason have a constipated chakra and need some major energy flow unblockage here. I went really well up until April last year (yes obviously rejoined again) but have been entering ever since. Over the past few months I have entered about 1,500 comps and have only won a few DVD's. I really don't understand it. I tell the universe that I want to win and even get into the mojo of thinking well a big one must be coming any day now.. I need a to totally saturate myself in lucky dust and wave a magic wand over me. ;)
I guess it's harder with so many more people entering. Something always spurs me on not to give up. :)
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