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Couple of winning entries from the past week

posted 11-12-2006 @ 01:34 PM www
Couple of winning entries from the past week

Thought I would share these couple of winners from the past week:

This one is from the S&H Converse clothing comp:

My workout gear is so daggy
Everything 80’s, old and baggy
My t-shirt says “Choose Life’, it’s so perverse
Because I’d rather choose Converse!

And this one just won the Organic House comp today:

You had to put 10 (short) ways you indulge yourself to relax and enjoy life. This was my (rather embarrassing) entry:

1. Toss aside celebrity pictures in magazines and tell myself who would want to be perfect anyway

2. Buy a book I’ve always wanted to read and READ it!

3. Rent a favourite movie from the 1980’s and reminisce about when my hair looked good

4. Give myself a pedicure with hot pink nail polish

5. Go for a long walk and picture my stomach muscles cheering

6. Buy a new perfume and wear it at home, just for me

7. Tell myself it’s ok to watch re-runs of Dawson’s Creek even though I’m not their target audience

8. Tell myself I can have the whole day to not worry about my weight

9. Reminisce about past romances and tell myself that all break-ups were THEIR fault

10. Call my best friend and spend an hour listening to her thoughts instead of worrying about my own
posted 11-12-2006 @ 01:40 PM www

Those are great, congratulations, and thanks for sharing:D
posted 11-12-2006 @ 01:40 PM www

Both excellent popetta!!!
posted 11-12-2006 @ 01:42 PM www

Terrific popetta!! - appreciate your sharing & well done!!! :):)
posted 11-12-2006 @ 01:52 PM www

Thanks popetta, it's easy so see why you do so well with WOL comps, thanks for sharing.
posted 11-12-2006 @ 01:53 PM www

That's ok - Kraft judges have decided not to sue me, so that's a relief :D
posted 11-12-2006 @ 01:56 PM www

Very clever entries popetta, I especially like the second one:D

Well done. :)
posted 11-12-2006 @ 02:51 PM www

Oooooooh!! You're so clever! No wonder I don't win 'em.:(

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an
attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one
hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming
WOO HOO what a ride!

2006-$23411 + 2007-$69842 + 2008-$38712 + 2009-$20781 + 2010-$25344 = $178090
Jan-Oct - $8995
Nov = any minute now......
posted 11-12-2006 @ 09:28 PM www

thanks guys!
posted 11-12-2006 @ 09:43 PM www

You are so clever Popetta:)

posted 15-1-2007 @ 01:45 PM www

Well, I was inspired by you Popetta and entered for the Christmas competition. I just received an email to say that I had won!!!

Here were my suggestions for making Christmas a fun, giving and sacred event for you, your family, and community.

1. Stick decorations all over the windows, and don't wipe off the fingermarks.
2. Don't mention the state of the kids bedrooms once!
3. Let my brother ramble for an hour without looking bored!
4. Visit my nanna and tell her she looks younger every day.
5. Take my old neighbour a Christmas cake, and have some with her!
6. Make time for ME!
7. Watch old movies with the kids, but don't say what comes next!
8. Spend a day at the Smith Family, packing hampers.
9. Go for a walk in the bush with friends, and enjoy Australia.
10. Put tinsel on every door handle, just for fun.
posted 15-1-2007 @ 01:54 PM www

LOL.. fantastic Popetta, I can relate to both so well. :D :D

P.S. My hair looked good in the 80's too :D :D
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