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winning from career chick

posted 13-1-2007 @ 03:28 PM www
winning from career chick

Hi i won a competition at career chick with a 25 words or less the question was

Question: So we want to know what is the worst or strangest gift you
have ever received for Christmas?

My Answer: My strangest present was a jeans aunty
thought it would come in good use for me to stretch my jeans as i had
put on some weight, how nice of her hey?????????? NOT

HAHAHA well that jeans stretcher did come in good use in the end

I won a eyebrow and lash tint set, very happy

posted 13-1-2007 @ 03:38 PM www

PMSL ashlea, what a thoughtful aunty you have:D:D

Congrats on the prize though;)
posted 13-1-2007 @ 04:24 PM www

PMSL - perhaps you should have stretched your aunt on it first!
posted 13-1-2007 @ 09:09 PM www

Well done, sounds like your aunt already used one on her mouth (LOL)
posted 14-1-2007 @ 11:01 AM www

hahahah u are all very funny ;-)

yes my aunty thought it was seriously a great cant chose your family hey?

Best of luck to you all!!!!!!!!

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