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My winner for the Canberra Egyptian Antiquities comp

posted 1-2-2007 @ 08:44 AM www
My winner for the Canberra Egyptian Antiquities comp

Was so excited to get a winning call yesterday from the National Gallery. This was my entry:

What would you take with you to the afterlife and why?

Questions only the gods can answer:
Where are my kids’ manners?
Who took my husband’s keys?
How can he eat second helpings without getting fat?
posted 1-2-2007 @ 08:53 AM www

Great entry! No wonder you won!

Thanks for sharing!

posted 1-2-2007 @ 08:54 AM www

That's excellent, much better than my own effort Well done !!!!!

Here is my effort

An eternity, laid to rest,
I’ll wear a suit, to look my best.
Never ending Tim Tams, I’ll bring along,
because eternity, is really long.

No wonder I didn't win, yours is great !
posted 1-2-2007 @ 08:55 AM www

That's so funny, congrats!!
Saw the exhibition this past weekend, it's quite good. I'm sure you will enjoy your trip!

Yours is quite funny too, bonecrusher!
posted 1-2-2007 @ 09:32 AM www

Really well done! Very jealous I am.
posted 1-2-2007 @ 09:38 AM www

I'm jealous entry went something like this, can't remember exactly.

I'd take my sense of humour, to the afterlife.
There's bound to be some grumpy 'afterlifers' to deal with..
posted 1-2-2007 @ 12:03 PM www

all those entries are great, no wonder I don't win 25wol

Am really p..... off at myself because when I looked at this comp I marked it not interested seeing it was Canberra and didn't realise that anyone could enter. But I would never have won against those funny answers.
posted 1-2-2007 @ 12:07 PM www

Congratulations on a fantastic win and, thanks so much for sharing your witty entry! :)
posted 1-2-2007 @ 12:17 PM www

Thanks for sharing ... they're all really good. Congrats especially to Jupiter, enjoy the trip.

posted 1-2-2007 @ 12:17 PM www

I would have loved to have won this and taken my mother as she loves anything Egyptian.

I actually remember saying
I'd take absolutely nothing because it's the best of us that passes over and meeting up with old friends and family is all I'd need.
posted 1-2-2007 @ 12:26 PM www

Great answers guys.

Mine (not a winner) was something about taking a map to navigate the field of reeds, through the 7 gates to meet osiris and not get eating by Amemet. (all Egyptian afterlife references)

Though a packet of neverending Tim Tams sounds like a better idea!
posted 1-2-2007 @ 01:27 PM www

Well done winners!

I was hoping for just the prize pack rather than the trip (cause I'm already here :D ). This was mine:

I’d take binoculars with me
A close up way I could see
If remaining family was enjoying good health
And that hubby was behaving himself!
posted 1-2-2007 @ 02:05 PM www

PMSL Mojo, it's obvious the judges had no sense of humour.... :P:P

Great answer jupiter, congrats on your win :)
posted 1-2-2007 @ 02:08 PM www

wow... i'm glad i'm not a judge for these 25wol...

awesome entries
posted 1-2-2007 @ 02:17 PM www

PMSL Mojo too funny :D

We had fun with this comp too... some of our entries were:

"Boxes of Lindt balls - they're heavenly, but I can't be sure that's where I'm going"

"Devil's Food Cake - I might as well try and fit in!"

"A 'feather' duster for my angels wings... well, you've gotta be optimistic!"

"I'll probably be in Limbo, so the book "How To Win Friends And Influence People" will help in my bid to get into heaven!"
posted 1-2-2007 @ 04:23 PM www

no winning phone call for me either.....

my entry -

I'd take my girl scout badges cos where I'm going I'd need to be reminded I was once sweet and innocent!
posted 1-2-2007 @ 11:43 PM www

Far out! there's some bloody good answers out there!

The best I could come up with was....

My sense of humor, to LIVEN things up a bit! ;)
posted 2-2-2007 @ 06:53 AM www

All those good books I didn't have "time" to read !
posted 2-2-2007 @ 08:50 AM www

Congrats to the winners... My entry was ..

My Memories ... some things are better off being remembered than relived ....

I would've loved this prize ... oh well on to the next one :D
posted 2-2-2007 @ 03:24 PM www

:D These are great, people are so clever.

Mine didn't win either, it was:

Just one last cup of coffee
I’ll take to the world ahead
In all my life it’s never failed
To raise me from the dead!
posted 2-2-2007 @ 07:38 PM www

LOL..great answers !! Mine if I remember was not anywhere near those standards.
posted 2-2-2007 @ 11:01 PM www

Congratulations Jupiter. That was a great answer. So were lots of the others. I'd hate to be a judge on this one. It must have been hard! My entry was something along the lines of I'd take my husband because he always tells me I deserve an eternity of torture and he'd be the best one to make sure that happened!

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an
attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one
hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming
WOO HOO what a ride!

2006-$23411 + 2007-$69842 + 2008-$38712 + 2009-$20781 + 2010-$25344 = $178090
Jan-Oct - $8995
Nov = any minute now......
posted 3-2-2007 @ 12:16 AM www

Great answers, I am so hopeless with 25wol. no imagination!
put something about "like the egyptians before me Id take my cat, can't remember the rest but did mention I WOULDN"T have him killed especially to come with me!!

2005 total:$1,130-
2006 $5,500 app.
2007 $2,000 approx.
2008 $1200
2009 $930
2010 $4,200
2011 $1,473
2012 $675 :(
2013 $462 :(
2014 $2,150
2015 $120 :(
2016 $1150
2017 $210
2018 $210 at least I'm consistent!
2019 $115 still waiting for the big one!
2020 $550
2021 $3,000
All I want ... is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy! And 2024 is the year to do it!
posted 3-2-2007 @ 07:09 PM www
Canberra Antiquitites Comp

I really wanted to win this too and didn't

Mine was ...

My cats ... sometimes they can be little Bastets but I can't live without them.

Bastet = cat-headed Egyptian God

Oh well.

Had another entry saying something along the lines of taking my cat because I'm sure he couldn't come to Canberra with his Mummy.

Lame now that I've seen a winner ha ha.
posted 7-2-2007 @ 12:03 AM www
Spoke too soon - was a runner up!

Spoke too soon - see last message.

My entry about little Bastets scored a runner-up prize in this comp - a runner up prize pack arrived in the mail today!

There were 50 runners up prizes of a t-shirt, poster, tickets to the Egyptian Antiquities exhibition and a coupla other things.

Made my day anyhow!
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