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A feast of losing entries ... PART TWO.

posted 4-4-2007 @ 04:09 PM www
A feast of losing entries ... PART TWO.

Alas, another loss. This time in the Kerri-Anne Kennerly programme comp where you had to say which star you would most like to meet in West Hollywood and why.

Yet another losing entry ha ha ha

I said ...

Angela Lansbury - 81 and still making movies you know,
And Murder She Wrote was a DEAD set KILLER of a show!

Oh well, I guess you had to be a fan.

Here is the winning entry, anyhow
posted 4-4-2007 @ 04:31 PM www

I like YOURS!!!! ;)

posted 4-4-2007 @ 04:35 PM www

You are very kind.

Oh well, I'm moving on to the Spiderman III comp now ... the one where the premiere is in Tokyo ... gotta be in it to win it!
posted 4-4-2007 @ 06:22 PM www

OMG yours was much better, that was very lame.
posted 4-4-2007 @ 07:04 PM www

I can't win from here either angel, we must be TOO good.
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