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Sent entries

posted 27-4-2007 @ 12:43 AM www
Sent entries

im 14. i sent these in. are they good or not? (honestly)

In 25 words or less, what do you think is the key to a fun holiday and why?

School, homework tests and more
Waiting for holidays is such a bore!
I would prefer surfing much more,
which would be exciting with my new Roxy surfboard!

Tell us in 25 words or less: What do you like most about Roxy and why?

Awesome fashion, and wonderful sports
Is there anything that Roxy hasn't got covered?
Jeans, snowboards, sunscreen to surfboards,
I think Roxy is the no. 1 must- have!

In 25 words or less, tell us why you chose this Autumn/Winter Essentials look
Monday to Friday im stuck in my uniform
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays I escape
From the evil uniform and I wear
The essential look,
the ICE PRINCESS look!

In 25 words or less: Why would you like to get deserted and what you would do to pass the time?
Due dates, piano practise and sleeping early,
These are the things that I hate the most!
Tranquility, peace and quiet is what I like,
I would get this by being deserted (and meditating at the same time!!!)

1 2 3 4
Being at school is such a bore
5 6 7 8
Being deserted would be great!
9 10 11 12 13 14
I would count grains of sand as my routine!

How you would get rock goddess skin with NIVEA VISAGE YOUNG?
Blemishes, pimples, blackheads and whiteheads
Theres so many things on my face that I really don't want!
Even if I want to rock I know theres something wrong,
Luckily, Nivea can come along
and get rid of them all!

some of them...are kind of lies. :D:P:D:P
posted 27-4-2007 @ 12:49 AM www

Ace entrys, hope you get some wins out of those :)
posted 27-4-2007 @ 12:54 AM www

Great work,Good luck:)
posted 27-4-2007 @ 11:50 AM www

They're great entries - well done & good luck! :)
posted 27-4-2007 @ 11:53 AM www

They are great--Why arn't you at school--LOL--probably too busy entering comps
posted 27-4-2007 @ 11:54 AM www

Great work mate!!;)
posted 27-4-2007 @ 11:18 PM www

Awww thanks guys for your support :D

and purplepetunia...i was at home... lol... and... uh... i was supposed to be doing my science homework... but who can ignore prizes and competitions???:P
posted 27-4-2007 @ 11:35 PM www

Just like we are all supposed to be vacuuming, doing laundry and taking to our families!!! LOL
posted 27-4-2007 @ 11:38 PM www

LOL Exactly
posted 28-4-2007 @ 06:39 AM www

chichichip great entries :)

Just keep an eye on making sure they are equal to or under 25 words :):):)

posted 28-4-2007 @ 12:21 PM www

Really good effort chichichip, just be careful re the 25WOL as e.g the one with the numbers would have each number counted as a word, so that'd be way over the word fact darl every one of them is over, so if they're strict re the word limit then yours wont qualify and it's a shame to put in all that effort if it's wasted.

Mentioning the product is great and rhyming sometimes works...often you just have to get a unique perspective on what's being asked & humour helps too. Good to see you having a go.

posted 29-4-2007 @ 12:53 PM www

:( ok then but hey thanks for your comments guys :D
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