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How many entries?!

posted 3-2-2007 @ 04:51 PM www
How many entries?!

Hi, newbie here!

Well I'm yet to have a win but I'm sure it won't be far away! Of you all who've won major prizes, how many entries did you normally put in to get it? Do you stick to a system of minimum/maximum entries before you move on to another comp or does it vary? I'm super curious as to how y'all do it! I know some of you have won several cars or frequently win holidays. I know it's better to enter many comps instead of entering one or two many times, but how many entries scored you a BIG win?

Thanks and happy comping!:D
posted 3-2-2007 @ 05:18 PM www

In December I scored:
a washing machine off 1 entry,
a laptop off 1 entry &
a blackberry off 2 entries.

My motto 'you gotta be in it to WIN it'.

I usually just enter things once or twice and move on- although if its a store comp and it is a product that I do regulary buy- of course there will be a couple more. :)

Good Luck !!- fingers crossed for your first win soon.
posted 3-2-2007 @ 05:54 PM www

Aw Wow Stuss! Was that the Whirlpool one? I can't remember who ran it but it was a mag. I was sure that one was mine! Were they 25 wol?

posted 4-5-2007 @ 03:28 PM www

I've just joined too and amreally looking for the big win, we have to get a new car because ours was stolen and with 5 kids its really hard, I've entered heaps of comps in the last few weeks, nothing yet. Was wondering with the phone comps how many times should you enter to better your chances, should ring at certain times of the day, I don't want to send my phone bill through the roof in order to win a DVD??? HELP
posted 4-5-2007 @ 03:39 PM www

Aw lawfamily, so sorry to hear your bad news. No car with a family must be very difficult.
I havent had a big win yet, so dont feel qualified to say how to do that. But I just enter, as many as ,time and the budget allows. Usually only 1 or 2 entries and just forget them and go onto the next.
I wish you lots of luck, hope you have a win soon.:D
posted 4-5-2007 @ 03:56 PM www

My biggest win last year was a $13,500 entertainment system/lcd tv, etc and I had 8 entries in that comp. It was a supermarket product comp. I usually enter those between 1-6 times and between 1-10 times for sms comps, but so far have not won a sausage in any of those.

I really believe that if your luck is in you will win with 1 entry and if it's not you can have 100 and still not do any good. Patience and positive thinking is the way to go. Good luck!
posted 4-5-2007 @ 10:46 PM www

Had several good wins on just 1 entry & my latest , a BMW $75,000 with just 2 entries , find the more I put in the less I win so just try to enter all I can at least once then move on to the next .

"My spirit is free. But I'll always be near. As long as I'm alive in your heart " That you will be my caring sons .

MY LOTTO MOTTO ~ We are here to help each other , have fun & hopefully win a few prizes along the way .~

I'm unsure of my mood right now!

“Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart.”

"Set an intention...make space...surrender the outcome...and open your arms to receive."

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

Fear is False Evidence About Reality

Some people dream about WINNING while others wake up and WORK HARD at it!

If you can't find a partner, find a wooden
chair!? RIP Duane


Try for 3 days referral link:
posted 4-5-2007 @ 10:51 PM www

*A $5000 spending spree on one entry,
*$2000 spending spree on one entry
*a holiday in Sydney including brideclimbs and other things worth $2000 on one entry.....................
it is really luck sometimes. You never know. The secret I think is to make sure you have and entry in as much as you possibly can; I mean, it only takes one entry to win.

posted 4-5-2007 @ 10:58 PM www

I'm 'generally' an enter and move on type of comper.. the ones I hit hard are the ones I don't win lol
Some people have listed their biggest wins here and a few have said how they won and how many entries :)
posted 4-5-2007 @ 11:25 PM www

When I first joined I was disappointed that I couldn't win anything at all for nearly 2 months. I only entered everything once but THEN....the little prizes started ROLLING IN....
I forgot that a lot of the comps might close in a month or two so I had to learn to be patient and that is why it was a bit slow to start with.
posted 5-5-2007 @ 12:06 AM www

I have to admit that we drank A LOT of Coke to win the Coco-Cola Superman trip to the Gold Coast last year! Must have had at least 50 entries over 5 weeks but that was something we really really wanted to win and there were 250 trips up for grabs from memory!

Otherwise I only enter anything once, twice at maximum..
posted 5-5-2007 @ 12:32 AM www

a $10 000 trip to the Sydney Olympic games on 1 web entry back in 2000 from coca cola

posted 5-5-2007 @ 11:55 AM www

My biggest wins have been 1 entry, I beleive if its yours it will be,I do enter more if it is something I buy,but still not ususalloy more than 3 entrys. Good luck,:)
posted 5-5-2007 @ 12:12 PM www

I have learnt it can be just the luck of the draw or in 25 wol they sometimes choose what you have written. But an eg is my sister who won a $1,000 vodaphone card and spent it all on phone and SMS comps and won nothing.

My first plasma win 2 1/2 years ago was with about 6 entries (Shick SMS)
2nd plasma was 2 entries (Avocado Mail)
latest TV was 1 entry (Web entry) 25WOL

still waiting for the car and OS trip LOL
posted 5-5-2007 @ 01:01 PM www

Energizer battery comp, $15,000 trip - 8 entries.
Cadbury bake comp, $5,000 coles/myer card - 3 entries.
posted 5-5-2007 @ 01:07 PM www

Trip to Canada - 1 entry

I agree that you can put in lots of entries and still end up with nothing. I think you're better off with one or two entries in lots of comps.
posted 5-5-2007 @ 01:18 PM www

I won a $5000 bed with 3 entries through the Lifestyle channel web form.

The trip to LA through Fudge was with 2 entries

The car I just won I put in 7 entries which is enormous for me but the best $40 I ever spent.

But I agree with Want2Win, it would be too depressing to put heaps of money into a comp then not win.

I feel it's meant to be it will be. Good luck.
posted 5-5-2007 @ 01:18 PM www

It depends on the comp.if its 1 entry daily and i want that prize i will enter every day never win it anyway.If its as many entries i enter as many as i can in the Jane Austen comp on Letsshop I entered over 1000 and my name wasn't listed in the email i received but 2 weeks later i apparently won.But most times its only ever 1 or 2 its just the luck of the draw i think but it you enter more you have a percentage more of winning well thats what i think.mind you for daily draws there are so many i spend most of my time entering them i am on the computer for hours everyday .By the end of the closing date i have had the comps
posted 5-5-2007 @ 05:11 PM www

Thanks for he advice everyone, I too have always believed yu have to be in it to win, which is why I still patiently put the lottto (NO WINS EITHER), I know I need tobe patient, I don't have a lot of time each day for comps so mainly focus on the phone & sms, store and product,mags and web. I'm sure that win is just around the corner. HERE'S HOPING
posted 5-5-2007 @ 05:15 PM www

Most of my big wins have come from one entries too!

Hope this helps!
posted 5-5-2007 @ 05:53 PM www

Originally posted by Angelbaby93
Aw Wow Stuss! Was that the Whirlpool one? I can't remember who ran it but it was a mag. I was sure that one was mine! Were they 25 wol?


Sorry- I never got back to you.
The washing machine- was an electrolux frontloader from a woolworths napisan comp- where you had to buy 2 products to enter- I entered half way through the comp.
The laptop, was an easy entry one on the web- I entered in the last 10 minutes (I remember thinking why should I even bother- lol as it was a 5 entries per day allowance), and the blackberry was the energizer comp last year, i bought 2 packs of batteries on the last day & raced home from work to enter them 5 minutes before it closed. :)
posted 9-5-2007 @ 12:30 PM www

Hi all!

Thanks Stuss, the fact that you only entered stuff once and came up a winner is proof that's all it takes hey? Harmony bree, I too put 7 entries in to win that Peugot! It was so mine (until it was yours LOL!) Congratulations to all you winners! I have 11 entries in the Shop and Win ATM, only one more round to go!

Cheers and good luck,
posted 9-5-2007 @ 12:47 PM www

I am just too lazy, and my attention span too short, to enter things too many times. I like to enter as many different competitions as I can, which normally means just one or two entries in each. Sometimes I go all out for a competition- and it usually doesn;t pay off!!! lol!

I think everyone has different strategies though - there are plenty of people who enter mega-times - do as much as you enjoy, not so much as its a chore, and enter the competitions that make your dreams happiest!
posted 1-6-2007 @ 12:22 AM www
I am not sure how to enter competitions

posted 1-6-2007 @ 12:39 AM www

What the....Jenda....Just read all the info for beginners for lottos, if you get stuck, just ask, there are many that will help if possible. A little hint....when entering the supermarket comps, always check the closing date before is easy to get caught out with a comp that has already closed....good luck to you!!!!!!
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