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Chocolate Making

posted 27-1-2008 @ 12:15 PM www
Chocolate Making

Are any lotto members making their own chocolate?

Just love to exchange tips etc.

posted 27-1-2008 @ 05:11 PM www

sorry I just like eating them....
posted 27-1-2008 @ 05:31 PM www

agentmanti is a person who might be able to give you some advice. She was a wonderful help to me when I was making our school's grade 6 graduation cake at Christmas (which involved a lot of chocolate!)
posted 27-1-2008 @ 06:22 PM www

I dont know how to make chocolate hard, but I do make a nice chocolate sauce and so simple to do...Taste like cottees topping

1 1/2 cup sugar
5 Tablespoons Cocoa
2/3 cup water

Simmer of the stove until sugar has all disolved stirring contuniously.....when disolved you may add 1 teaspoon Vanilla essences....

store in the fridge....
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