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Are new Competitions better than old ones?

posted 21-7-2008 @ 12:15 PM www
Are new Competitions better than old ones?

Is it better do you think to enter competitions while they are new or ones that are about to end?
posted 21-7-2008 @ 12:21 PM www

In my opinion Id say its just luck if you win it or not, If its done early or close to closing :) Wish I knew so I could do it right and win something :):):)
posted 21-7-2008 @ 12:21 PM www

Both as you wont know if you didnt enter either if you'll win or not, so take the risk :)

posted 21-7-2008 @ 12:40 PM www

...and sometimes comps close earlier then stated, so you miss out altogether if you leave it to the last day.
posted 22-9-2009 @ 02:43 PM www

sometimes I send me comps early but..I remember I sent a comp in real late which was a mail in to win sea follys sunnies and I won. So u never know!!:)
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