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What's the lamest entry you've ever written that resulted in a win?

posted 25-7-2008 @ 10:01 AM www

hi ya'll you guys are a crack up hahah:Pmy brain hurts thinking of stuff to say in 25 or less so now i know dont try so hard giggling here ooooo kismet all the oldies are on winners trips to every place around the world id say gees you guys are lucky buggers lol :D
posted 25-7-2008 @ 10:54 AM www

MTV V Festival I think the question was along the lines of 'Who would you like to see at V Festival' my answer ' ME MYSELF and I!':P but was it really a win cause the tickets came a week late lol:P
posted 25-7-2008 @ 02:08 PM www

The Q: Why did I want to win a maternity clothes voucher?

'Because I am sick of my husband whingeing that I've stretched all his tops." Won a $100 voucher.

Or another comp

What would be a memorable night in?

Some chocolate and some wine,
The kids in bed by seven.
The Sound of Music turned up loud,
I'd be in TV heaven.

Won a $700 mobile. Those answers are so lame I was so embarassed to tell people when they asked me how I'd won.
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