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How much time is spent comping?

posted 23-7-2010 @ 02:31 PM www

About two hours a day, usually at night, though with uni resuming for me next Friday it might be a bit less. But hey, comping is my hobby - how much time (and money) do people spend on other hobbies? My brother is a mad keen fisherman who spends weekends fishing. He has a $55 000 fishing boat which he had custom designed and built. My godmum's hubby is into golf and has visited golf courses such as St Andrews in Scotland. One of my work colleagues is pro surfer who surfed the Pipe tournament in Hawaii. These are hobbies and like all hobbies people put time, money, and effort into them.
posted 23-7-2010 @ 02:35 PM www

Hey dobbyluppin, I am starting uni for the first time next week, how do you fit in your comping time? I have been worried that with uni, family and work part time I am not going to have time for my fave hobby.
I really want to keep it up though, do you just have to be very organised?
posted 24-7-2010 @ 01:18 AM www

Originally posted by amity31
Hey dobbyluppin, I am starting uni for the first time next week, how do you fit in your comping time? I have been worried that with uni, family and work part time I am not going to have time for my fave hobby.
I really want to keep it up though, do you just have to be very organised?

I'm not doing an undergraduate degree yet, what I'm doing is Foundation Studies at University of Newcastle, it's for mature age students who want to pursue further study and don't have year 12. It's plenty of work, but I love it!

I don't have any kids, so don't have demands put on my time that way. But one thing I am learning is good time management skills and how to budget my time every day so I get things done.
posted 24-7-2010 @ 03:02 PM www

I probably do 3 hours on most days. A few years ago, I studied for a post grad degree and used to spend three hours a night on that so now use that time for comping - no huge wins yet, but lots and lots of small ones, which added up last year to over $4000.
There are some days I don't comp, although they are few and far between. Am going to UK in eight weeks so will be doing very little then:):)
posted 8-8-2010 @ 09:27 PM www

I spend about 4 hours a week comping because I work full-time. I only enter competitions that have big prizes e.g. cars, $5,000 cash or trips not small things. Therefore my win rate is lower.

Won a $10,000 safari to Africa last year [in the UK].

So far I have only won a $100 gift card in Australia in 6 months of comping here. But having won big in the past, it's the memory of that that keeps you going. Sooner or later I will hit the jackpot.
posted 8-8-2010 @ 09:32 PM www

I would do a hell of a lot more if I stopped reading the off topics!
posted 8-8-2010 @ 09:42 PM www

I joined lottos in Feb, up until mid June I was entering comps daily at least 3 hours a day sometimes more (usually late at night when the kids are in bed, or on weekends). I have two girls 2 and 5, and study full time. You can see my prize total on the left. In the last two months school has been really hectic so I've only won a cd and a dvd, and have only been comping 3 hours a week. You really notice the difference when you spend at least an hour a day comping.
I'm hoping things will slow down this month, I wont be back to my three hours a day until November now :(
posted 8-8-2010 @ 10:01 PM www

Originally posted by LisaBart
I would do a hell of a lot more if I stopped reading the off topics!

you and me both!:P:P:P
posted 8-8-2010 @ 10:05 PM www

Im about 5 hours a day which I need to wean myself from at some stage
posted 11-8-2010 @ 06:31 PM www

Thanks for this post guys.
I do about two hours per day on average at the 'puter and then there is all the time I am composing wols in my head when I should be concentrating on other things LOL
However, I am still not getting my number of comps entered up there. Can I click each time I enter a multiple entry comp and it will show up as an extra comp on my tally?
Because the tally seems low compared to others and yet I know I am doing quite a few dailys and I don't mark them as entered everyday. Should I do that. Is That how people have such a high Comps Enteered tally?

Hoping for a win very soon!
posted 11-8-2010 @ 06:43 PM www

good question nellie- wondering about that myself!:P:P:P
posted 11-8-2010 @ 09:29 PM www

I've only been coming since June, and now have a SERIOUS addiction. In between working 4 days a week, TAFE studies, 2 kids and a house to clean, I try to get in a minimum of 2 hrs a day (how I manage that is anyones guess). This is usually at night, whilst I'm ignoring the kids!!!!, or during the day when I'm on afternoon shift. I try and do a minimum of 50 comps a day, and did 200 today; although some of those were multiple comps. Have had some good wins, my best being a laptop from Readers Digest. I've set myself a goal to win ALL my christmas presents, so my credit card wont get a a hammering again this year. Good luck to you all, as they say YOU HAVE TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT :P
posted 11-8-2010 @ 10:07 PM www

30 minutes to an hour a day and then about 8 hours once off at the end of the month!

It used to take me a lot more time than that, I think I've gotten it down to a science lol
posted 11-8-2010 @ 10:16 PM www

Originally posted by heldige1
I love your idea Smiley!! then we can have two mad compers in the house- so double the wins!! :P:P:P - and if someone is sick of their OH- how about a husband exchange? not sure how many stamps I would have gotten for my x though! lol

Husband exchange sounds great. Two compers in one house though? No way, too many one household only comps!!! And I'd get jealous of their wins haha!
posted 11-8-2010 @ 10:31 PM www

I've only been a member since the end of May, i used to spen about 4 hours a day and had my numbers up around 350. My cancer has returned and in betwwen doctore appointments, tests, sleeping and being zonked out of my mind on the painkillers i am only managing around husband and oncologist both think i'm crazy but comping takes my mind off my health...
posted 11-8-2010 @ 10:34 PM www

Really sorry to hear that, gabrielle21653. Hope you get a nice win to lift your spirits. All the best.
posted 11-8-2010 @ 10:54 PM www

having an off time with comps................haven't entered anything really for months.......just cant get motivated..........used to be entering every spare moment I had...............maybe I'll get my mojo back again one now I come into lottos every so often and check out what is going on.

posted 11-8-2010 @ 11:09 PM www

Thanks SuzanneR, I'm fine, attitude is everything with cancer. i have a wonderful husband, a great daughter, who is now carrying our first grandbaby, and i have my comping, what else does anyone need?

But please ladies get your mammograms, do your monthly checks, teach your daughters to do them too...and make sure if you are concerned, to keep on going to doctors til you get an answer you are 100% happy with.
posted 12-8-2010 @ 07:42 AM www

big hugs gabrielle. you have a fantastic attitude and i think comping is a great way to forget things and relax. That is an amazing amount you have entered so hope you have some exciting wins. Having a grandchild is really special and they bring so much joy into our world so keep positive and I wish you all the best
posted 9-11-2010 @ 10:31 AM www

comping is my other full time job..;););)
posted 12-12-2010 @ 10:39 PM www

This is a really interesting thread ... you gals sound dedicated (and guys if there are any here!)

I joined Lottos a few years back then won quite a bit of stuff over a couple of months and then got laaaazy ... have just come back to it now that I'm not working full time - only 6 hours each weekend - that's the way I like it :)

Funny enough it was my husband saying "entered any comps lately?" a few times over the last month or so that reminded me to start again... I won him a Jamie Oliver Kitchenware set first time round so he's excited about the future possibilities.

I'm finding that I'm spending nearly all my time entering comps over the last couple of days.

I think perhaps I may just make this my only job ;)

posted 12-12-2010 @ 10:50 PM www

too much time......

I'll miss it in 2011 - I'm doing some more study so guess what will loose out in the time planner
posted 1-1-2011 @ 12:16 PM www

As a newbie can I ask a Q relating to time spent comping? I spend about 2 hours a day and can only enter about 50 a day, is there a way people manage to enter 300 and more comps, ie do you still sit there an manually enter all your details each time or is there a way you can get around this? thanks
posted 1-1-2011 @ 01:58 PM www

macemesmum, I use a mac and with the cursor in the first field I press 'command', 'shift', and 'a'. All of my details then load automatically ( unless it's a flash site). I think a lot of people on here use 'roboform' but it's not for mac, so maybe someone else can tell you more about that.

Good luck :)
posted 1-1-2011 @ 02:32 PM www
Everyday usally

At the moment I'm a stay at home mummy with a busy
active 9yr old & teen so until April I'd say everyday when I
can I love lottos I haven't won lots but my fancy feast prize in
six months so this keeps me going ... I'd say (3) hours a day most days
must admit though I get distracted with off topic discussions love to help out
where I can with my two cents worth enjoy starlily...
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